Plot : The animated series finds the young Peter Parker trying to live life as a normal college kid. The bite he suffered a few years ago from an irradiated spider, and the resulting superhuman powers he was subsequently endowed with make this a bit challenging. However, he is still beset by the desire to act on his vigilante impulses. He tries to use his powers to promote the general wellbeing of the community, while pursuing the trust of his friends and his romance with Mary Jane
Spider-Man captures a gang of thieves, and it looks like Robbie Robertson is their leader! Peter Parker and J. Jonah Jameson must team up to try to clear Robbie's name. But while Jameson returns to the skills he had as an Investigative Reporter, Peter must keep him safe from Tombstone. At the bottom of the whole plot is Richard Fisk, but can Spidey find the right clues to clear Robbie in time?